On May 9 and May 12, VGH& UBC Hospital Foundation and the Vancouver Professional Practice team celebrated the significant contributions of nurses through the 2017 Nursing Bursary Awards. In doing so, they also honoured the memory and contributions of the individuals whom many of the bursaries are named after.

Even though the second week in May is National Nursing Week, Vladimir Tsvasman remembers his wife, Galina, and the excellent care that she received from VGH nurses every day.

“My wife suffered from a stroke and was taken to VGH. After she passed away, I wanted to thank the nurses who looked after my wife in the hospital – they showed so much empathy and respect,” said Vladimir.

After getting in touch with VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, Vladimir established the Galina Tsvasman Bursary Fund for Education, which funds an annual bursary award to provide Intensive Care Unit registered nurses with the opportunity to pursue continuing education.

This is one bursary award among eight available to VCH nurses to continue their professional development. The bursaries are funded by donors and administered by the Foundation. More than 35 nurses received bursaries this year.

“My wife was an educator and enjoyed teaching, so I thought that establishing the Galina Tsavasman Bursary Fund for Education was the best way to honour her memory,” says Vladimir.

Every year, Vladimir enthusiastically attends the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation Nursing Bursary awards event and helps to hand out the bursary award.

“When a nurse receives this award, I feel great because the memory of my wife goes on. She would have been really proud to support nurses in continuing their education,” he says.

For a full list of the speakers, awards, and recipients, click here.

Thank you to all the dedicated volunteers, speakers, exhibitors, the attendees (with the support of their managers and directors) for the inspiring week.  And thank you to generous donors, like Vladimir, who make the Nursing Bursary Awards possible!


五月份的第二个星期是全国护理周,Vladimir Tsvasman怀念他的妻子Galina,也记得温哥华综合医院的护士们对她夜以继日的细心护理

“我妻子因为中风被送到温哥华综合医院。 在她去世后,我想感谢在医院照顾我妻子的护士们 – 他们充份表现了对病人的関爱和尊重,“Vladimir说。

在与温哥华综合医院暨卑诗大学医院基金会取得联系后,Vladimir成立了Galina Tsvasman教育基金会,资助年度性的奖学金,为重症监护病房注册护士提供持续的教育机会。

Galina的助学金奖是帮助温哥华沿岸衛生局护士继续专业发展的八大奖项之一。 助学金由捐助者资助,由基金会管理。 今年多过35名护士收到了助学金。


每年Vladimir都期待着参加温哥华综合医院暨卑诗大学医院基金会护理助学金奖励活动,颁发奖学金予得奖者。 “当护士得到这个奖项,我感到很欣慰,因为这会喚起对妻子的回忆。 她一定也会对支持护士们得到持续的教育机会而感到自豪,“他说。


为这鼓舞人心的一周感谢所有義工,演讲嘉宾,参展商,与会人仕(部门负责人和董事的支持)。 并感谢慷慨的捐助者,如Vladimi,使护士护理奖学金能延续下去。