Do you know someone who suffers from a mental illness? The chances are very likely you do. It is estimated that one in five Canadians will experience a mental health or addiction challenge this year.
That is why we are so grateful to Coast Capital Savings for raising $256,000 this year at their annual Charity Golf Tournament. Attended by more than 200 golfers and supporters, the tournament raises funds for VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation in support of mental health initiatives, including programs focused on youth.
According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 70% of mental health problems start during childhood or adolescence.
“Depression, addiction and mental illness affect so many youth in our community,” says Barbara Grantham, president and CEO for the Foundation. “It makes such a huge difference for companies like Coast Capital to dedicate their resources to raise this significant amount of money for the program as well as overall awareness of these mental health issues.”
This was the 16th year of the tournament and since it started, the event has incredibly raised more than $2.5 million for the Foundation and youth in the community.
“Supporting depression research is crucial for the well-being of our communities,” said Don Coulter, president and CEO, Coast Capital Savings. “Mental illness doesn’t affect just one person; it impacts their friends and family too. With more young people being diagnosed every year, the funds raised through our tournament are more valuable than ever. On behalf of Coast Capital Savings, I want to thank all of this year’s participants and our generous sponsors. Your contributions are making a real difference to these young people and their families.”
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