Banner for Web pageAs a previous supporter of the Myeloma Stroll for a Cure, we want to take the time to thank you for your part in helping raise $130,000 to benefit the Hematology Research Clinical Trials Unit (HRTCU) at Vancouver General Hospital.  Many of the funds raised have been generously donated by myeloma patients and their families and friends.

This year Myeloma Vancouver will not be hosting the annual Stroll for a Cure Event. However, we would like to continue the momentum that The Stroll has generated by asking for your support through a direct donation.

Your contribution through the Myeloma Stroll for a Cure Events has helped to advance the work of doctors, nurses and staff at the Bone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia.  We hope that you will consider making a donation again to this very important cause.

Dr. Song

   “We are truly impressed by the work of Myeloma Vancouver in supporting those who suffer from myeloma as well as their fund raising efforts. With the    deepest gratitude, we thank them. These funds will not only support our trials group, but will also empower patients and their loved ones.”

 Dr. Kevin Song, MD, FRCPC, Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia 

Thank you again for your continued support of Myeloma Vancouver and its efforts to support the Hematology Clinical Trials Unit and Myeloma Research & VGHUBC Hospital Foundation.

Francesca Plaster, Organizer of the Myeloma Stroll for a Cure Event (Coquitlam)
