VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation’s most successful campaign to date raises over $65 million for urologic sciences.
donateRaising more than $65 million in under two years, our landmark Urologic Sciences campaign saw several philanthropists coming together to advance clinical care, research, and education across urologic sciences.
Thanks to your record-breaking support, we are…
• Building a world-class Institute of Urologic Sciences
• Investing in creative minds and innovative research to advance knowledge and improve health
• Boosting overall health, longevity and quality of life through a whole-patient approach, supportive care, translational research and a willingness to think differently
• Implementing high-quality treatment and clinical trials for novel drugs, education and technology to improve lives and fight the stigma associated with many of these issues
• Recruiting, teaching, inspiring and propelling the future leaders of urological sciences and care

Introducing the M. H. Mohseni Institute of Urologic Sciences
Bolstered by a transformational $20 million gift from Mr. Mohammad H. Mohseni, the campaign helped establish the M. H. Mohseni Institute of Urologic Sciences within the Vancouver Coastal Health Research institute – bringing together six different areas of urologic sciences under one world-renowned institute in Vancouver.
Learn more.
“It is my hope that the advancements made here will lead to meaningful, lasting change, not just for patients in BC and our communities, but for people around the world.”
– Mr. Mohammad H. Mohseni, Philanthropist
Learn more about how your donations have been put to use — saving the lives of patients every day.
Download the full 2024 Impact ReportCentres of Excellence
As part of the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute, the M. H. Mohseni Institute of Urologic Sciences is committed to attracting top talent, fostering a highly collaborative and technologically advanced environment. It will be home to six specialized centres, each dedicated to advancing research and clinical care in its specific area of focus:
The Vancouver Prostate Centre is recognized and rated as one of the top facilities in North America focused on translational research, turning discoveries into new treatments for men with prostate cancer.
By bringing together experts in urology, gynecology, neurosciences, nursing and physical therapy, the team will shift the paradigm of their diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities to deliver comprehensive care of bladder diseases. This includes urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, recurring infections and fertility issues faced by BC women and the many neurogenic bladder issues resulting from spinal cord and neurodegenerative illnesses across the entire population.
Collaboration between immunologists and transplant experts is advancing immunosuppression to improve organ preservation, decrease infection and prolong transplanted organ longevity, supporting BC’s goal of one transplant for life.
The current status of transition care in BC for children born with urinary tract abnormalities, such as those related to spinal defects, is episodic, urgent and sub-optimal without any coherent infrastructure. Establishing a robust transition adolescent urology program will offer a bridge for the many young patients who grow out of the children’s hospital system with no current follow-up on the horizon. These patients and their families deserve better and a new Centre will meet their needs.
The team provides physical, surgical and psychological therapy of sexual health challenges to men and their partners. Through state-of-the-art genomic and molecular biology techniques such as single cell sequencing, 3D bioprinting and protein engineering they are identifying novel therapies for men challenged with conditions like infertility and Peyronie’s disease.
They are quickly becoming international leaders in creating paradigm shifting therapies such as developing AI-guided therapeutic approaches for infertility and Peyronie’s disease, as well as developing the next generation of nanotech penile implant technologies to treat erectile dysfunction.
To help solve the mystery of why stones form, computational models of metabolites and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are helping identify drug candidates for study. Cutting-edge technological and machine learning advances provide improvements and lessen the invasiveness and morbidity of surgical procedures to remove stones and urinary blockages, such as those due to benign growth of the prostate.
Urologic Sciences Innovations
Our Urologic Sciences campaign was the first-ever endeavour of its kind in Canada, nearly doubling its initial target of $35 million and setting a new benchmark for fundraising in its field. Thank you for supporting a future filled with hope and transformative innovation in all areas of urologic cancers and urologic conditions.
Learn more.
Research Highlights
Together, we ensure that BC patients are the first to benefit from live-saving bench to bedside treatments. Learn about the cutting-edge research highlights in the field of Urologic Science, made possible by donors like you.
VGH is Western Canada’s premier teaching hospital, attracting top recruits with its comprehensive clinical, surgical, and research opportunities. One of the most renowned of these programs is the Urologic Oncology training program. The Uro-oncology Fellows train under the leadership of world-renowned physician Dr. Peter Black, Associate Director of Clinical Research and Khosrowshahi Chair in Bladder Cancer Research at the Vancouver Prostate Centre.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) from implanted medical devices like catheters are among the most common hospital-acquired infections.
Dr. Dirk Lange, Director of Basic Science Research at the Stone Centre at VGH, is part of a team of innovators who developed a silver-based coating that can easily be applied to devices such as catheters and stents.
“This coating has significant potential to maintain a clean surface for any device or material for an extended period of time, which is something we haven’t seen so far,” says Dr. Lange. The discovery is hailed as a silver bullet to help eliminate implant-associated infections in patients and prevent painful UTIs.
A new affordable smartphone platform delivers real-time cell behaviour data to enhance precision medicine. Called SnapCyte, this artificial-intelligence driven technology was developed by VPC researcher Dr. Mauds Daugaard.
“This platform can be very helpful in drug screening,” says Daugaard. “When comparing multiple drug candidates, SnapCyte can very accurately and quickly assess how each drug acts on cancer or other cells to identify the most effective treatment.”
Read more about homegrown innovation with global impact.
One of the major challenges when treating cancer is the fact that it becomes treatment-resistant. That is true of prostate cancer as well.
“The problem is that we do not know what is enabling the cancer to keep growing even when testosterone-blocking medication is used,” explains Dr. Nada Lallous, a senior research scientist with the VPC. Galvanized by philanthropy, her team is now investigating the structure and behaviour of key proteins –including a process called phase separation -that can get out of control in cancer.
“By better understanding how and why phase separation is happening in cancer, more than in normal cells, we can hopefully uncover new treatments for many cancers, not only prostate cancer,” says Lallous.
Read more about breakthrough approaches to cancer treatment.
Patients who received a life-saving kidney transplant must take medication to prevent organ rejection. Yet these same medications can be tough on the transplanted organ and its recipient.
Dr. Harriman is looking for early clues in patients’ urine that may warn of potential kidney distress. This will help doctors identify more effective ways to stage an intervention and prolong healthy living for renal transplant recipients. With your help, together, we will continue to use cutting-edge software to develop new treatments.
Read more about his award-winning study.
A new blood test developed by Vancouver Prostate Centre researchers is shining an unprecedented light onto the makeup of a patient’s cancer, opening up treatment avenues not possible until now.
“With only a few drops of blood, we can uncover critical information about a person’s overall disease and how best to manage their cancer,” says Dr. Alexander Wyatt, senior research scientist at VPC. “This test has the potential to help clinicians choose better tailored treatment options and to more efficiently detect treatment resistance, allowing clinicians to adjust clinical care as needed.”
Read more about this incredible medical breakthrough supported in part by philanthropy. Together, we save lives.
The fall 2023 Impact Report highlights the achievements made possible through your philanthropy.
Download the full reportHow Research is Leading the Way to Improved Outcomes
Thanks to philanthropic support, established clinician-scientists are making world-first breakthroughs in treating otherwise untreatable diseases so that people suffering from urologic diseases and cancers live longer and more meaningful lives.
Learn more about the doctors.

Rod’s story
Watch Video“Prostate cancer we thought of as a slow-moving, old man’s disease… It’s a men’s disease, but it’s not really a men’s disease. It’s our disease, because we all have to live with it.”
Read the Senft family’s story.
Meet the Urology Superstars
Philanthropy has helped attract and recruit new rising stars to the team and train and mentor the future leaders in urology. This is how your giving is helping build capacity for research and care, putting the building blocks in place to grow and expand the team so it can eventually become an institute.
Learn more about the fellows.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all campaign donors and Cabinet
Rod & Jeannie Senft
Dr. Larry Goldenberg
Gordon Diamond
Dr. Martin Gleave
Geoff Bertram
Peter Brown
Rob Chasmar
Norm Francis
Kelly Heed
Brian Hurl
Jake Kerr
Don & Catherine Konantz
William Lachman
Peter Lamb
Michael McDowell ( D )
David & Brenda McLean
Josephine Nadel
Jim O’Hara
Conrad Pinette
David & Leah Rowntree
Anita Silber
Kip Woodward
Dr. Peter Black
Dr. Ben Chew
Dr. Kim Chi
Dr. Ryan Flannigan
Dr. David Harriman
Dr. Tia Higano
Dr. Alex Kavanagh
Dr. Andrew MacNeily
Dr. Lucia Nappi
Dr. Christopher Nguan
Dr. Mark Nigro
Dr. Ryan Paterson
Dr. Alan So
Paola Coronado Hass
Brian Shankaruk
Special gratitude and recognition to the
founding supporters who have been fundamental to the Urologic Team’s successes:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond
Bill & Lilian Hudson
Jim & Mary Pattison
We extend our deepest gratitude to all campaign donors, with special recognition to those below who have contributed $500,000 or more.
Anonymous private foundation
April 1 Foundation
Beedie Foundation
Val and Dick Bradshaw
Peter & Joanne Brown Foundation
The Canfor Good Things Come From Trees Foundation
The Christopher Foundation
Diamond Foundation
The Hill Family
Larry and Carolyn Hursh
Ledcor Group of Companies
Dave Lede Family Charitable Foundation
Peter and Anne-Marie Kains
Hank and Janice Ketcham and Family
Maureen Killoran and Raymond Daniels
McLean McCuaig Foundation
David and Darrell Mindell
Mr. Mohammad and Mrs. Mehri Mohseni and the Mohammad H. Mohseni Charitable Foundation
Jim Pattison, OC, OBC
The Jack and Darlene Poole Foundation
The Ritchie Family
The David Rowntree Family
Robert and Patricia Saunders
The Arnold and Anita Silber Family Foundation
Rod and Jeannie Senft
Wesbild Holdings Ltd
Chip and Summer Wilson