On the evening of February 24, more than 450 generous guests raised $4,343,552 at the annual 2018 Viva Pharmaceutical Time to Shine Gala. The funds raised will go towards the transformative Future of Surgery campaign which will enhance surgical care for British Columbians.
“I am so humbled by the generosity I witnessed last night,” says Barbara Grantham, President & CEO, VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation. “The funds raised will make a significant impact on patients and their families, allowing both Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) and UBC Hospital to focus on the most complex surgery cases in this province.”
Together, VGH and UBC Hospital perform more than 30,000 surgeries per year and handle 60 per cent of the province’s adult trauma cases. The funds raised at the exclusive event will make a significant impact by allowing VGH to focus on the most acute surgery cases — such as traumas, complex cancer surgeries and complex transplants. Thanks to the dedicated support of our passionate sponsors, donors, community partners, staff and volunteers, we are advancing our goal to improve surgical care for patients by transforming the VGH operating room suite and UBC Hospital facilities.
Launched in 2015, the annual Viva Pharmaceutical Time to Shine Gala has become the signature event for the Chinese philanthropic community in Vancouver. Last night’s event brings the impressive total of the galas to $10 million.
A special thanks to the talented Wings Vocal Collective and the world-famous Goh Ballet who performed a memorable piece for this event only. Fairmont Pacific Rim Executive Chef Nathan Brown and Chef Julien Royer, chef-owner of two-Michelin-starred Odette restaurant in Singapore, dazzled the guests with an unforgettable four-course meal using fresh, local ingredients from the Pacific Northwest.
The Future of Surgery campaign strengthens the resources of VGH and UBC Hospital as a single, state-of-the-art, efficient and effective surgical program. The passionate support demonstrated at the Time to Shine Gala will ensure our hospitals can provide sustainable, world-class care for British Columbians. Thanks to the that passion, we are now one big step closer to that reality.
Thank you to all of the guests, donors, sponsors and staff who made the evening a shining success.
About VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation
VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation is Vancouver Coastal Health’s primary philanthropic partner, raising funds for specialized adult health services and research for all British Columbians. The Foundation partners with donors to drive innovation and sustainable health care at VGH & UBC Hospital, GF Strong Rehab Centre, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute and Vancouver Community Health Services.
Tiffany Kraus
Director, Marketing and Communications
Office: (604) 875 – 5196
Cell: (778) 952 – 6147
VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation
Email: Tiffany.Kraus@vghfoundation.ca[:zh]溫哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會第四屆舉辦的「善之光慈善晚宴」於 2 月 24 日在市中心的 Fairmont Pacific Rim 酒店舉行。衷心感謝近 450 位嘉賓的慷慨支持,讓我們為"外科展望"計劃共籌集了超過$4, 343,552 的善款,以改善卑詩省的手術護理服務,為項目的發展建立新台階。
溫哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會總裁兼首席執行官姜嫻 (Barbara Grantham) 表示,「善之光慈善晚宴」的成功實在令人鼓舞人心,衷心感謝各善長,贊助商,義工,醫療合作夥伴和支持者的努力,大家的慷慨支持對患者及其家人的影響至為重要,也讓溫哥華綜合醫院和卑詩大學醫院專注於卑詩省最複雜的手術病例。
溫哥華綜合醫院和卑詩大學醫院每年進行超過 30,000次手術,並處理省內六成的成人創傷個案。透過「善之光慈善晚宴」籌集的善款,讓溫哥華綜合醫院能處理最嚴重的手術病例 – 例如創傷,複雜的癌症手術或移植手術,帶來重要的深遠影響。社區各界的參與及支持將為醫療改革帶來新面貌,推進改善溫哥華綜合醫院手術室套件和卑詩大學醫院的設施,達至提升手術護理水平的目標。
「善之光慈善晚宴」當天有 Wings Vocal Collective 和世界著名的吳祖哲芭蕾舞學院作特別演出,來賓在行善之餘,更能享受到來自星加坡Odette 的米之蓮星級大廚 Julien Royer 聯同 Fairmont Pacific Rim 酒店主廚 Nathan Brown 携手精心設計,四道選用西北太平洋食材烹調的味覺盛宴,讓貴賓親身體驗觸動味蕾的享受。
「善之光慈善晚宴」籌委會主席梁趣婷 (Judy Leung) 感謝善長們的慷慨支持,大家的愛心將福惠全卑詩省民。參與晚宴的賓客共襄善舉,幫助基金會達成目標回饋社會。籌委會衷心感謝冠名贊助 Viva Pharmaceutical,貴賓酒會贊助國泰航空,生活品味贊助 Livingspace 及 Delvaux ,名酒贊助 Mt. Boucherrie Winery,還有其他贊助商及善長的積極參與。
如對"外科展望"計劃或溫哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會的工作有任何查詢,請致電亞洲資源拓展副總監張潔玲 604-875-8233,電郵 kitty.cheung@vghfoundation.ca
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