How long have you worked with Vancouver Coastal Health?
21 years as a Consultant Anesthesiologist. I trained as a medical student and resident at UBC and subspecialized in Sydney, Australia.
What do you like most about your job?
Caring for patients in an intense, complex team environment.
What first interested you in the practice of anesthesiology?
The capability of caring for the sickest or injured patients for surgery.
Tell us one thing (professionally or personally) that we might be surprised to find out about you?
Personally: I was a refugee at the age of 12.
Professionally: Anesthesiologists are perioperative interventional specialists that keep patients and their organ systems alive during major trauma, transplants and surgical events.
How do you like to spend your days off?
Family skiing, road cycling, cross country mountain biking, hiking and boating.
What is the most interesting thing you have been paid to do?
Care for patients who we cool to 15 degrees Centigrade to stop the flow of blood to repair an aortic or brain aneurysm.
Fun Fact: Which character from any movie best represents you?
Tom Hanks in Apollo 13 as Jim Lovell
Why is it important for donors, including physicians, to support projects like the Future of Surgery Campaign?
We need to partner in innovation. Nothing more powerful to leverage donors’ interest than physicians and surgeons personally supporting innovation.[:zh]您在温專華沿岸衛生局工作多久了?
我擔任顾问麻醉師已经21年了。 我是卑詩大學的医學生,并在澳洲悉尼完成我的专科課程。
湯漢斯在《阿波罗13号》中扮演的Jim Lovell。
为什么对于捐助者,包括医师在内支持像“外科展望 这样的项目至关重要“?
我们需要实现在创新方面的共同合作。 医师和外科医生亲自支持创新项目可以更有力的带动捐助者的积极性。
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