Thomas Anderson’s experience at VGH was more than surgery to him, it was a journey that led him to discover a sense of community, inspiring him to give back and help others.

In July 2011, Thomas was emergency airlifted to VGH from Powell River, BC, after falling unconscious in a public place. He discovered he had a malignant brain tumor and underwent brain surgery at the expert hands of Dr. Brian Toyota, head of the Division of Neurosurgery at VGH.

After the surgery, Thomas woke up a new man with a fresh perspective and extreme gratitude. “This experience completely changed me,” he said. “The first thing I wanted to do was help people.”

During recovery he appreciated the hard work and dedication of the neuroscience nursing staff who provided him with endless support.

“My nurses wanted to provide better patient care and I wanted to give them what they needed to do it,” said Thomas. Highly motivated to support the team, he made a donation to the unit.

Sadly, Thomas passed away in August 2016. His legacy lives on through the impact he has made on patient care. We are honoured and grateful to Thomas for designating his tax-free savings account (TSFA) to VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation.

Join donors like Thomas by designating VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation as your RRSP, RRIF or TFSA beneficiary to help make a difference for patients. Learn more 

[:zh]Thomas Anderson在温哥华综合医院的经历不仅是一次手术,而是一個旅程,使他感受到了自己是社区的一分子,鼓舞他回馈和帮助别人。

2011年7月,Thomas在公共场所晕倒后昏迷,被紧急送往温哥华综合医院。医院的神经外科主管Brian Toyota医生发现Thomas有一个恶性脑肿瘤,故立即为他进行了开脑手术。

手术过后, Thomas极度感恩并改变了他的人生态度。 “这次经历完全改变了我,”他说。 “我现在想到的第一件事就是帮助有需要的人。”


“我的护士想为病患提供更好的护理,我想支持他们想要做的事,” Thomas说。为了积极地支持护理团队,Thomas作出了捐赠。


通过指定温哥华综合医院暨卑诗大学医院基金会作为您的RRSP,RRIF或TFSA的受益人从而帮助改善病人护理,加入如 Thomas 的捐赠者行列。详程请浏览