On a rainy Vancouver afternoon in March, some of Vancouver’s top surgeons and community influencers gathered together a photo shoot at VGH, united in their goal to improve the treatment of surgical care for patients and their families in BC.
The photo shoot captured the significance of VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation’s Future of Surgery campaign, with its cabinet members (pictured above) bringing philanthropy to a $145M transformation of the VGH and UBC Hospital facilities.
“Ensuring excellent health care for all British Columbians is a core value for me,” says David Rowntree, who is the Cabinet chair and founder and managing director of Highland West Capital. “I want to make sure that we all have access to the best possible medical care.”
Shot in a transformed meeting room at VGH among various surgical equipment as props, the mood in the room reflected the energy and drive of those tasked to advocate for surgical excellence. In between photo re-takes, cabinet members shared the reasons for being personally involved in the cause.
Tony Geheran, executive vice-president and president of Broadband Networks at TELUS, is a former patient and wants to give back to the system that helped him. “At TELUS, health care is a big part of our strategy, trying to transform the health outcomes of Canadians,” he says. “Personally, I’ve been a patient at VGH and UBC and I’m so happy with the care I received and I’m doing well now because of it.”
Similarly, Peter Chieng, had a double bypass 16 years ago and vowed during his recovery to donate his time back to those who helped him regain his health. “I hope more operating rooms will be built and waiting times will be reduced, leading to patients recovering faster and get them back to work faster and benefit the economy,” he says, “contributing to overall society.”
Dr. Hamed Umedaly, head of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care at VGH, believes this group will make a significant impact in BC.
“I’m very optimistic that incremental improvements in efficiency and quality and human resources will improve patient care in this province,” he reflected. “The future of surgery is bright because of the expertise we have and how we can advocate to get the community to support strong health care.”
Learn more about the Future of Surgery cabinet and campaign[:zh]在一个3月的雨天,温哥华的顶尖外科医生和社区领袖聚集在一起,众志成城在温哥华综合医院进行拍摄,目的为改善卑诗省患者及其家属的外科治疗体验作启动。
“确保卑诗省民拥有完善的医疗护理一直是我的价值核心”,内阁主席Highland West Capital创办人兼董事总经理David Rowntree说。 “我想保证我们都能够获得最好的医疗护理。”
拍摄是在在温哥华综合医院一个由会议室改造成手术房的场景内进行 ,房间里充满正能量,让人感到众人对优质手术的渴求。在拍摄期间,内阁成员分享了自己参与的原因。
Tony Geheran,Telus执行副总裁及宽频网络总裁,也是医院的受惠者,故想回馈社区
帮助改善医疗设施。 “在Telus,医疗护理是我们公司的其中重要政策,我们希望改造加拿大人的健康护理发展。就个人而言,我曾经是医院的病人,亲身感受过医謢人员悉心的照顾,所以康复得很好,我真的非常感恩。”
同样,Peter Chieng在16年前进行了双导管心脏手术,病愈后决定将他的时间捐回给帮助他恢复健康的人。 “我希望有更多的手术室落成,令轮候时间减少,帮助患者康复得更快,让他们更快的回到工作岗位恢复生产,再为社会作出贡献。”
温哥华综合医院麻醉和手术护理主管Hamed Umedaly医生认为,这内阁将为卑诗省带来重大的影响。
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