How has mental illness impacted your life?

In my early 20’s, I lost two years of my life to depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I stayed up all night and slept all day. Finally after medications I crawled out of the whole, went to school and got a job. A few years later, I stoped the medication because “I was better”. A year went by and wham, I was hit again and dragged down into the “black hole”. I have lost relationships because I was always told “What do you have to be sad about”?. No-one understood, that I didn’t want this, it didn’t serve any purpose for me. I hated that I couldn’t find joy anywhere.

What is the biggest misconception about mental illness?

That you have total control over it. Not true, you do not.

What needs to happen to end the stigma and shame associated with mental illness?

What is starting to happen now. Having it “out there”. The television ads about Depression Hurts, is a great one. Having the converation…just talking about it.

Why should people (who think they are unaffected) care about mental illness?

They may think they are unaffected. They may be now, in this moment, but at some point in their lives, someone they care about, or even themselves will be impacted by mental illness.

What would you say to someone who is suffering from mental illness and doesn’t know where to turn?

That I am there, will always live with it, and I’m doing okay. Find a support group, talk to your Dr. I was lucky, I have an amazing Doctor. I think the best support, after medication, is talking to someone who lives with it and knows what it is like.

What has helped you manage your mental illness?

Medications, supportive physician, and lots and lots of reading about the subject.

What gives you hope for your mental illness?

As I become more open with people around me about this, more people who have not been affected, will think about it, talk about it and try to understand it.

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