For Naz Panahi, health care is very important to her. Over the years, the vice-president and director of City Square Property Holdings has sat on the Night of A Thousand Stars Gala Committee and has volunteered for Arthritis Research Canada, in which she won the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Outstanding Volunteer Award.
“I have a lot of doctors in my family and I’ve had many friends and family who have had health issues,” she explains. “I see so many people around me who have been affected by cancer, cardiac diseases and arthritis. When you have health issues, you see how that affects your quality of life. I think there is nothing more important than your health, which plays a big role in your happiness. It is very important to support these causes.”
She says it is very gratifying working with VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation.
“I think it is important for Vancouver to have a hospital that is strong enough and complete enough to support a community,” she says. “It needs to have the latest technology and equipment to help the people and the waiting times need to be manageable. I want to fundraise and support the hospital so these things are not an issue.”
“It also very important to attract the top physicians and keep them,” she adds. “We need to do everything possible to retain that talent.”
Naz says it’s fulfilling to volunteer her limited time for these causes.
“I love getting involved with these causes that are near and dear to my heart – and I pull my company in with me,” she says with a laugh. “You have to give back. You have to leave something before you leave.”
So who is she honouring for this year’s Angel Campaign?
“I have many angels in my life – I can’t name one person. I’ve been blessed to have so many wonderful people around me, inspiring me in some way.”
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