Jeanette Andrews was a respected and hard-working teacher who had a passion for art and education.
Born and raised in Vancouver’s Point Grey neighbourhood, she taught art in Vancouver and West Vancouver and was also an instructor in the Art Education Department of UBC’s Secondary Education Program. Jeanette was much-loved by her students.
When she passed away in 2015 at the age of 71, Jeanette left a remarkable legacy of $1.8 million to VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation in support of research related to acoustic neuroma, a noncancerous tumour that develops on the main nerve leading from the inner ear to the brain.
“My sister, Jeanette, made this bequest to the Foundation to express her gratitude for the operations performed on her acoustic neuroma. Those surgeries saved her life,” says Allen Andrews. “She was a uniquely strong, confident person who carried on with bravery and determination despite her declining health, and she wanted to make a difference for others.”
Acoustic neuromas can cause debilitating symptoms including hearing loss, severe imbalance and facial numbness, and Jeanette didn’t want others to suffer.
The Division of Neurosurgery at VGH is using Jeanette’s gift to adopt emerging technologies and add to their talented team. By using navigation systems and high-definition imaging, they are enhancing research, training and care to treat conditions like acoustic neuromas and other brain tumours.
VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation is grateful to Jeanette for her commitment to this special area of medicine. We are honoured that she chose to continue her legacy by including this generous gift in her will. Her commitment to innovative education and research will impact patients for years to come.
By leaving a bequest in your will or designating the Foundation as a beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF or TFSA, your gift can help our health care teams save lives now and well into the future.
Thank you to Jeanette and to all our legacy donors. Your gift today will make a difference in the lives of British Columbians tomorrow.
Learn more about how you can make a difference by leaving a legacy.
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