“My stay at VGH transformed my life. After years of medication and endless neurological testing, it was the specialists at VGH who made my seizures stop. By making your gift today, you’ll help people like me, and hundreds more, people from all across our beautiful province. Because VGH is the only hospital in BC with the specialized care that so many people need.” Natasha Wasmuth, very grateful patient.[:zh]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFIiqBxw8S0

“My stay at VGH transformed my life. After years of medication and endless neurological testing, it was the specialists at VGH who made my seizures stop. By making your gift today, you’ll help people like me, and hundreds more, people from all across our beautiful province. Because VGH is the only hospital in BC with the specialized care that so many people need.” Natasha Wasmuth, very grateful patient.

Help transform more lives.
