Your support has led to incredible milestones in 2018. From record-breaking fundraising totals, to heart-warming stories of survival, your support has helped save lives and transform health care in BC.
Join us as we review your favourite stories from 2018, determined by which stories you read the most.
5. Innovators’ Challenge
The inaugural Innovators’ Challenge profiled four promising research projects, each competing for donor dollars to fund their innovative ideas.
4. David’s Journey Back to Life
When it comes to stroke care, minutes matter. David Freedman learned this first-hand when he had a stroke at home last December.
3. Andrew’s Amazing Recovery
When Andrew Cho collapsed at home alone, suddenly paralysed from the neck down, he used his chin to inch himself close enough to his phone to call for help. And that was only the start of recovery that took him from the floor to the trails.
2. A Robot Helped Remove My Cancer
Aubrie was diagnosed with salivary gland cancer. As a nurse she knew first-hand how disfiguring surgery for this type of cancer could be. But Dr. Eitan Prisman at VGH had a surgical robot and a plan.
1. Local Nurse Smiling Again After 10 Hour Surgery
Dr. Akagami removed Meagan’s brain tumour in a complex 10 hour surgery at VGH, the only place in BC with the expertise and resources to diagnose and treat many types of brain tumours.
Looking to learn more about the impact donors like you can have on health care? Read our 2017-18 annual report.
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