Garry Walker was so weak he couldn’t climb the stairs from his building’s parking garage to his office any more. “For someone who has always been active, I was terrified about what this sudden change in my health could mean. I decided to see my family doctor, Dr. John Mail, right away.”
Under Dr. Mail’s care and his invaluable guidance, Garry’s fears were realized when he was diagnosed with aplastic anemia – a rare blood disorder in which his body’s bone marrow wasn’t creating enough new blood cells. Garry was quickly admitted to VGH and quarantined for six days in the bone marrow transplant unit. “These were six of the most harrowing days of my life”, says Garry. “Only my doctors and my wife, Pat, could visit. I was so sick from the medications and tests, and all I wanted was to get better and go home.” Happily, Garry’s story ended well. “Thanks to the incredible doctors, nurses and medical staff, and my wife’s love and support, I’m walking and lifting weights again. The hospital saved my life.”
Inspired by the need to give back, Garry and Pat reached out to VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation. They decided to help support the future of the Hospital by including a gift in their will to the Foundation. “We know that the BC Government funds day-to-day operations, but medicine is changing so fast that donor dollars are needed to ensure that the hospitals and staff continue to have access to the best equipment, innovation, technology and training possible.”
How do legacy gifts help future generations?
Through thoughtful planning, you can help support future generations. By leaving a bequest in your will or designating the Foundation as a beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF or TFSA – your gift can help our health care teams save lives now and well into the future.
Thank you to the Walker family and to all our legacy donors. Your gift today will make a difference in the lives and communities of tomorrow.
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