VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation is pleased to announce that its Youth Leadership Program raised $30,000 for Art Studios through the Life of Art Young Artist Exhibition.
On June 3, the Life of Art Exhibition showcased works of art created by talented young artists between the ages of 6 and 18 from the Youth Leadership Program, which were featured in a silent and live auction. Proceeds from the auction will go to Art Studios, a therapeutic art program for people living with mental health illnesses and addiction in Vancouver.
Held every year, the exhibition provides youth with the opportunity to create change and help others, while developing their creative and innovative potential.
About the Youth Leadership Program
VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation’s Youth Leadership Program inspires peer to peer contribution to community. The program empowers youth to take on an active role volunteering through community service and individual and group fundraising efforts. The collective goal of the program is to raise awareness and funds to support health care in BC.
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