- 目前,居住在不列颠哥伦比亚省的 6100 多人因器官移植而存活,其中 117 人是儿童。
- 目前,不列颠哥伦比亚省有 600 人在等待挽救生命的移植手术。
- 与器官捐献者相比,您更有可能需要移植手术。
- 肺移植受者的 5 年存活率平均为 76%,肝移植受者的 5 年存活率平均为 79%,心脏移植受者的 5 年存活率平均为 83%。多年来,通过研究,移植受者的存活率有了显著提高,但仍有很长的路要走。
来源:BC Transplant卑诗移植
不列颠哥伦比亚省的临床治疗效果一直在全国名列前茅,这部分归功于以下方面的研究:增加可用于移植的器官供应、减少器官排斥反应、改进免疫抑制药物以及监测移植受体的健康状况。您可以通过支持器官捐献和移植研究来帮助提高移植受者的存活率。 了解有关移植挑战和进展的更多信息.
ODTRF 2024:研究人员
观看视频Celebrating organ donors and transplant research
with Shelby Gielen
“Transplant means I was able to have a wedding day and see my 30s. It means a future and that I might even make it to retirement age, which would be an incredible blessing.”
Read Shelby’s story
Help save lives through the Organ Donation and Transplant Research Foundation of BC
The Organ Donation and Transplant Research Foundation of BC (ODTRF) supports innovative transplantation research to benefit the lives of organ recipients across British Columbia.
In 2015, a partnership was formed between ODTRF and VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation. ODTRF is the leading health funder of organ donation and transplant research in British Columbia. ODTRF’s goal is to provide solutions to benefit those whose lives are threatened by organ failure, and ultimately – through research – to make transplant a cure.