
On February 25, VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation recognized TB Vets Charitable Foundation’s generous $105,000 donation to support the role of a recreation therapist for patients in the TB Unit at VGH. This donation demonstrates TB Vets’ ongoing commitment to supporting the quality of care for everyone in BC affected by tuberculosis.

The recreation therapist position will be key in improving the health and quality of life for TB patients. The recreation program will be tailored to the patients’ needs and not only benefit them during their stay on the ward, but also help them gain important life skills and techniques to support them after discharge. This innovative TB program will be the first of its kind in Canada.

To date, TB Vets has provided over $1.9 million to support the work at our hospitals. VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation wishes to thank TB Vets for their longstanding partnership, commitment and generosity.

“Through participation in recreation therapy the patients on the TB Unit will acquire leisure related knowledge and skills which will lead to improved wellbeing and quality of life. Recreation therapy takes a holistic approach to health considering the physical, social, emotional and cognitive domains. Recreation therapists work with clients to identify meaningful recreation and leisure goals that will have long term benefits.” – Alyss Bourgeau, Recreation Therapist, CTRS, TB Unit, VGH