Local philanthropist Leon Judah Blackmore loved life.
This appreciation for life and for community, extended after his passing in 2015, at the age of 81, with a gift of $18.4 million to VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation.
Just before the Holocaust, a young Leon Judah Blackmore fled Poland with his family to escape persecution. That experience built the moral foundation for Leon, who eventually became a quiet, yet significant presence in Vancouver’s real estate community.
The most impact
Leon told friends he wanted his wealth allocated to causes where it could make the most impact and help the most people. His donation to VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation is distributed across several areas, including construction of a new hybrid operating room at Vancouver General Hospital (VGH), funding projects for the Men’s Health Initiative, creating a Cardiac Diagnostic Clinic at VGH, renovating the Sleep Disorders Clinic at UBC Hospital as well as investing in cardiology research.
On May 24, in appreciation of his very significant donation, the Foundation renamed VGH’s south-facing Centennial Pavilion to Leon Judah Blackmore Pavilion.
“This gift, which is one of the largest our foundation has ever received, has a huge impact on these four priorities, which are going to advance an area of health that will benefit all British Columbians.” says Barbara Grantham, President and CEO of VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation.
Lust for life
The donation amount is not a random figure. Eighteen, in Hebrew, means “chai” or “life” and that symbolism represents the fervent lust for life Leon had every day.
“In this way, Leon gave ‘the gift of life’ to VCH and the people of British Columbia who need our services,” says Dr. Jaap Hamburger, a VGH cardiologist who looked after Leon and became his friend.
The suffering of the Jewish people throughout history, especially during the Holocaust, were central to Leon’s approach to community. “When you come from a background where everything is taken away from you and you have to start your life over, everything is appreciated,” explains Dr. Larry Goldenberg, who met Leon as his urologist.
Dr. Jaap Hamburger wishes Leon was around today to see the impact he is having at VGH and UBC Hospital. “I only wish I could lead him around the hospital today and show him these things,” Dr. Hamburger says with a sad smile. “He was a good friend – I miss him. I think he would be very happy and proud – he was a strong, disciplined, hardworking man. Striving in everything he did for justice and mercy as the pillars of society.”
Learn more about Leon Judah Blackmore’s legacy:
[:zh]慈善家李昂·犹大·布莱克莫尔(Leon Judah Blackmore) 热爱生命。
在大屠杀之前,年轻的李昂为了避免受到迫害,与家人逃离波兰,这经历使李昂建立了深厚的道德理念。 后来,李昂在温哥华的房地产界成为了一个低调却举足轻重的标杆。
5月24日,为了感激李昂的慷慨捐款,基金会将位于温哥华综合医院南面的百年纪念馆更名为 ”Leon Judah Blackmore Pavilion”。
温哥华综合医院暨卑诗大学医院基金会总裁兼首席执行官Barbara Grantham说:“这份遗赠是我们基金会目前收到数额最大的一次,推动四个不同的医疗领域,带来深运的影响,这将福惠所有卑诗省民。
捐赠金额并不是随机数字。 十八,在希伯来语中,意思是“柴”或“生命”,这也象征了李昂对生命的热衷及追求。
温哥华综合医院心脏科专家Jaap Hamburger医生说,“通过这样的方式,李昂给医院和卑诗省民作出了 ”生命恩赐“ 的捐献,负責照顾李昂的Hamburger医生,最终与他成为了朋友。
犹太人在历史上所经历的苦难,特别是在大屠杀期间,是李昂对社区奉献的核心。李昂仍泌尿科医生Larry Goldenberg解释说:“当你一切都被剥夺,需要重新创造新生活时,任何事都是值得感恩的。”
Jaap Hamburger医生希望李昂可以看到他的捐助对温哥华综合医院及卑诗大学医院产生的深运影响。 “我只希望今天能够带他参观医院,向他展示一下成果,” Hamburger 医生语带悲伤地笑了笑说。 “他是一个好朋友 – 我想念他。 我认为他会非常高兴和自豪 – 他是一个坚强,纪律严明,勤奋的人。作为社会的支柱,李昂所做的都显扬了正义和慈爱。“
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