Donations surpassing $400,000 from Metro Vancouver’s Chinese-Canadian community are being used to jumpstart VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund, providing relief for health care workers on the frontlines
Vancouver, BC – As the public exercises caution and maintains social distance, health care workers continue to leave their homes to work in the hospitals and health care facilities in order to care for vulnerable patients.
To support these health care heroes VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation has established the COVID-19 Response Fund, and Metro Vancouver’s Chinese-Canadian community has already stepped up and generously donated more than $400,000 and counting.
“B.C.’s health care heroes are risking their health and safety every day to care for all of us during this global health pandemic,” says Angela Chapman, President & CEO of VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation. “They are there for us. Now we need to be there for them. Donations to the COVID-19 Response Fund ensures the doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and other staff all have the support they need, when they need it.”
The COVID-19 Response Fund is designed to be flexible to allow rapid deployment of funding to support thousands of health care workers across Vancouver Coastal Health facilities and community.
Leading donations include $100,000 from An Soon Unity Trust, presented by Sandra Lau on behalf of her family, as well as donations from the Vancouver Chinese-Canadian Golf Association & Members, the Haihe Fellowship Association, and two anonymous donors.
“It is heart-warming to see such incredible acts of solidarity, to witness our Vancouver community pulling together. We are giving each other, and particularly all our health care workers on the frontline of this pandemic, the courage we need to get through this challenging time,” says Chapman. “The decisions and actions we are taking as individuals today can save lives. Our health care partners — the health care heroes — are counting on your support.”
The Foundation is encouraging cash donations, but if you are interested in providing donations of supplies please visit for more information on current needs.
To donate, visit
卑詩省溫哥華 – 政府鼓勵公眾謹慎保持社交距離,減低疫情擴散的風險,讓醫護人員可安心離家,繼續在前線照顧病患及做好防疫工作,確保為病人提供最適切的治理。
溫哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會總裁兼首席執行長商安琪 (Angela Chapman)表示: “卑詩省的前線醫護英雄們每天都冒著健康及安全風險,要在這疫情全球蔓延中照顧所有卑詩省民。他們無私地為我們服務,現在正是他們需要支持的時侯。捐贈COVID-19緊急支援基金,可確保醫生,護士,醫療專業人員和其他員工獲得他個所需的支援。”
基金會總裁兼首席執行長商安琪續說:“看到社區能如此團結一致,見證溫哥華社區齊心對抗疫情,真是令人動容。我們互相給予幫助,尤其是對前線的所有醫護人員,大家携手共渡這難艱。今天我們每一個人的決定和行動都可以挽救生命,此刻對我們無私奉獻的抗疫英雄 – 社區的支持至為重要。”
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