How has mental illness impacted your life?
I began getting medical help for my deppression eight years ago, however I feel like I have been suffering since early adolescents . Despite years of therapy, prescriptions, and an amazing family I still find day to day a struggle. It has impacted my work and personal life as I have lost friends and relationships because people just don’t understand why I can’t just “make myself better”. In recent years I’ve developed severe anxiety that causes me to opt out of a lot of social settings.
What is the biggest misconception about mental illness?
That it’s something I do to myself. That if i just changed my mindset I wouldn’t be depressed. I’ve been told by multiple people that the pain I’m feeling isn’t real and I should just “get over it”.
What needs to happen to end the stigma and shame associated with mental illness?
I don’t know. But recent movements like this one and the blue wave movement have helped me.
Why should people (who think they are unaffected) care about mental illness?
Because even if you think it doesn’t affect you it does. Most of my friends don’t know about me. I don’t tell a lot of people for fear of judgement. That they would see me as damaged or weak or overreacting to emotions. I wish they knew.
What has helped you manage your mental illness?
My family and few friends I trust. A couple years ago I attempted suicide. After I was released from the hospital my mother came and spent almost two months straight with me. If she hadn’t done that I know I would have tried again and been successful. I have a friend who alwYs seems to know when Im having a really bad time. She lives a couple hours away but will still drive out and sit with me or make me get out of the house. Even if it’s just for a ride or a hike. Without these people I wouldn’t be here. My support group has saved me so many times and I don’t think they even know.
More support is needed, please donate.
*Donate in March and Joe & Rosalie Segal will generously match your gift up to $100,000.
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