In 2012, Kathy Jenkins suffered a terrifying burst brain aneurysm. It was quickly determined she needed the kind of complex care only available at VGH, and she was flown out from Vancouver Island to the mainland.
VGH Neurosurgeon Dr. Gary Redekop and his medical team ran a series of brain scans, assessed Kathy’s condition and performed the brain surgery that saved her life.
“If it wasn’t for VGH I wouldn’t be here,” says Kathy. “So when we got home I just thought, We’ve got to get a will drawn up. My husband Scott and I talked and decided we’re leaving our entire estate to VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation.”
Kathy and Scott, who don’t have children, want to use their estate to make a positive impact on future generations.
“We have a bunch of nieces and nephews and we could divide everything up amongst them, but we felt we would accomplish a lot more by doing it this way,” says Kathy. “It just made perfect sense to give back, and I don’t just mean to the hospital, I mean to everybody who’s out there.”
For Kathy and Scott, leaving a legacy was as simple as drafting a will and notifying VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation of their intent.
“This is our legacy,” says Kathy. “To know that our estate will be used to help people in need is the greatest gift of all.”
Join donors like Kathy and Scott by leaving a gift in your will to VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation and help make a difference for patients, today and into the future. Learn more.
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