


心脏病是 #1 全球死因

十分之九 加拿大人至少有一个心脏病和中风的危险因素

VGH 和 UBC 医院拥有国际知名的心脏病专家,他们站在各自专业领域的最前沿,推动着世界首创的研究和新型疗法、程序和技术的发展。

借助人的力量,心脏科已经建立了超过 15 个亚专科诊所。他们为患者提供不列颠哥伦比亚省独一无二的专业护理,在心房颤动、运动心脏病学、心脏功能和女性心脏健康等领域处于世界领先地位。 



在 VGH 和 UBC 医院基金会,我们正在筹集资金,以吸引最优秀的人才,提供最专业的心脏护理,并支持前沿研究和创新。




SportsCardiologyBC 设在 UBC 医院,由顶级心脏病专家、运动医学专家、康复专家和神经科专家组成,致力于改善全球运动员和活跃人士的心脏健康。这是加拿大唯一一家同类诊所,资金全部来自您的捐款。 


莱斯利-戴蒙德妇女心脏健康诊所(Leslie Diamond Women's Heart Health Clinic)是加拿大首家妇女心脏健康诊所。该诊所希望通过慈善活动扩大其服务范围,以支持妇女心脏健康的更大愿景,包括为加强病人护理和研究而增加新的工作人员。 

How VGH is tackling the ‘next cardiac epidemic’

Thanks to groundbreaking health care innovation funded by donors like you, most patients in BC with heart valve disease are now eligible to get a new heart valve without undergoing open heart surgery.

“It takes half an hour, and you go home the same day.”

Learn more.

Leading the Way

Learn how some of our leading cardiologists have been putting patients first in a relentless quest to eliminate heart disease.

Dr. Jason Andrade
Dr. Andrade is the Director of Electrophysiology at VGH and the world’s expert in atrial fibrillation (AF) research. With donor support, Dr. Andrade is focused on pioneering new interventional procedures for AF that help patients receive more personalized, effective, and safer care.  

Dr. Jacqueline Saw
Dr. Saw is an Interventional Cardiologist at VGH and a world pioneer in the research and management of spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), a condition in which 90% of the patients are female. With donor support, Dr. Saw is setting course to change women’s heart health on a global scale.

Dr. Tara Sedlak
Dr. Sedlak is the Director of the Leslie Diamond Women’s Heart Health Clinic at VGH and Canada’s first certified women’s heart health cardiologist. With donor support, Dr. Sedlak is working to improve equity in heart research, aiming to increase recognition, improve diagnoses, and ultimately, save women’s lives. 

Dr. David Wood
Dr. Wood is the Head of the Division of Cardiology at VGH and UBC Hospital and a world-leading Structural and Interventional Cardiologist. With donor support, he has played a significant role in advancing minimally invasive treatments for heart patients, so they can get back home sooner.

“It’s our people who make a difference in patients’ lives – our physicians who drive world-first studies and spark revolutions in care that have put Vancouver on the map. In order to keep this culture of constant innovation going, we need philanthropic leaders to get us there.”

– Dr. David Wood, Head of Cardiology at VGH and UBC Hospital

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