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Share Your StoRyVGH & UBC Hospital Foundation congratulates philanthropists Ginny and Kerry Dennehy for receiving the 2015 Order of British Columbia, our Province’s highest honour.
Every year, tens of thousands of patients at VGH and UBC Hospital undergo a computerized tomography (CT) scan – trauma patients who have been in devastating accidents, cancer patients who are undergoing surgery, patients who are suffering from broken bones, and so many others. In fact, our hospitals conduct more than 50,000 CT scans per year – an average of 140 per day.
The Gala represents the Foundation’s first Asia Pacific event, and drew together nearly 400 community leaders at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel, Vancouver.
2014 Angel Campaign raises over $425,000 to support hospitals’ most urgent needs.
Every year, tens of thousands of patients at VGH and UBC Hospital undergo a computerized…
Located in the Willow Pavilion at VGH, the Willow Bean Café is a social enterprise that operates a business not to turn a profit, but to transform lives.
The Time to Shine Gala will draw together 400 guests, many of whom have roots in Asia Pacific countries, and will feature a live auction, special entertainment, and an extraordinary culinary experience.
VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation and Bell today announced a gift of $1 million from Bell Let’s Talk to support the new Joseph & Rosalie Segal Family Health Centre.